Source code for gtm_manager.version

import gtm_manager
import gtm_manager.container

[docs]class GTMVersion(gtm_manager.base.GTMBase): """Open a specific GTM Version. Args: version (dict): An API representation of the GTM Forlder. If provided, the resource will be not be loaded from the API. :code:`version` or :code:`path` argument must be set. path (str): The API path to the resource, i.e. "accounts/1234/containers/1234/version/123". If provided instead of :code:`version`, the representation will be loaded from the API. :code:`path` or :code:`version` argument must be set. parent (str): Required, when the instance is initialized with a :code:`version` argument to explizitly set the parent path, i.e. "accounts/1234/containers/1234/workspaces/1234" **kwargs: Additional keyword args to initialize the base class. """ def __init__(self, version=None, path=None, workspaceId=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.versions_service = ( self.service.accounts().containers().versions ) # pylint: disable=E1101 if version: pass elif path: version = self._get_version(path) else: raise ValueError("Please pass either a version obj or version path.") self._container = gtm_manager.container.GTMContainer( container=version.get("container"), service=self.service ) self._containerId = version.get("containerId") self._zone = version.get("zone") self._deleted = version.get("deleted") self._trigger = version.get("trigger") or [] self._description = version.get("description") self._builtInVariable = version.get("builtInVariable") self._name = version.get("name") self._tag = version.get("tag") or [] self._tagManagerUrl = version.get("tagManagerUrl") self._containerVersionId = version.get("containerVersionId") self._workspaceId = workspaceId self._fingerprint = version.get("fingerprint") self._variable = version.get("variable") or [] self._path = version.get("path") self._folder = version.get("folder") or [] self._accountId = version.get("accountId") workspace_path = ( "accounts/{}/containers/{}/workspaces/{}".format( self._accountId, self._containerId, self._workspaceId ) if workspaceId else None ) self._tag = [ gtm_manager.tag.GTMTag(tag=x, parent=workspace_path, service=self.service) for x in self._tag ] self._trigger = [ gtm_manager.trigger.GTMTrigger( trigger=x, parent=workspace_path, service=self.service ) for x in self._trigger ] self._variable = [ gtm_manager.variable.GTMVariable( variable=x, parent=workspace_path, service=self.service ) for x in self._variable ] self._folder = [ gtm_manager.folder.GTMFolder( folder=x, parent=workspace_path, service=self.service ) for x in self._folder ] self.raw_body = version @property def container(self): """:class:`gtm_manager.container.GTMContainer`: The container that this version was taken from. """ return self._container @property def containerId(self): """str: GTM Container ID. """ return self._containerId @property def zone(self): """list: The zones in the container that this version was taken from. """ return self._zone @property def deleted(self): """bool: A value of true indicates this container version has been deleted. """ return self._deleted @property def trigger(self): """list: The triggers in the container that this version was taken from. """ return self._trigger @property def description(self): """str: Container version description. """ return self._description @property def builtInVariable(self): """list: The built-in variables in the container that this version was taken from. """ return self._builtInVariable @property def name(self): """str: Container version display name. """ return self._name @property def tag(self): """list: The tags in the container that this version was taken from. """ return self._tag @property def tagManagerUrl(self): """str: Auto generated link to the tag manager UI """ return self._tagManagerUrl @property def containerVersionId(self): """str: The Container Version ID uniquely identifies the GTM Container Version. """ return self._containerVersionId @property def fingerprint(self): """str: The fingerprint of the GTM Container Version as computed at storage time. This value is recomputed whenever the container version is modified. """ return self._fingerprint @property def variable(self): """list: The variables in the container that this version was taken from. """ return self._variable @property def path(self): """str: GTM ContainerVersions's API relative path. """ return self._path @property def folder(self): """list: The folders in the container that this version was taken from. """ return self._folder @property def accountId(self): """str: GTM Account ID. """ return self._accountId def _get_version(self, path): """_get_version""" request = self.versions_service().get(path=path) response = request.execute() return response
[docs] def publish(self): """publish""" request = self.versions_service().publish(path=self.path) response = request.execute() return response
[docs]class GTMVersionHeader(object): """GTMVersionHeader""" def __init__(self, versionHeader): self._path = versionHeader.get("path") self._accountId = versionHeader.get("accountId") self._containerId = versionHeader.get("containerId") self._containerVersionId = versionHeader.get("containerVersionId") self._name = versionHeader.get("name") self._numMacros = versionHeader.get("numMacros") self._numRules = versionHeader.get("numRules") self._numTags = versionHeader.get("numTags") self._numTriggers = versionHeader.get("numTriggers") self._deleted = versionHeader.get("deleted") self._numVariables = versionHeader.get("numVariables") self._numZones = versionHeader.get("numZones") self.raw_body = versionHeader